The benefits of switching your heating system
Reduces likely ailments in central heating systems which include air, vibration, slow circulation and poor boiler performance.
Optimises your central heating system to make it work more efficiently.
Assists removing air from the central heating system at the point of entry stopping air circulating in the system, reducing air locks in the pipework and the need to bleed radiators.
Increases the flow rate through the radiators making the property heat up a lot faster.
Reduces the temperature differential between the top and bottom of a radiator stopping cold spots in the system all together.
A proven money saver
Reducing your heating bill by 30%-40%! The Central Heating Management System Advanced Series is guaranteed to make savings for all common boiler types reducing the fuel used. In particular condensing boilers will only condense efficiently when the water returning back to the boiler is below 55°C.
Currently there is no system on the market to make most boilers condense all the time as most boilers only condense at start up stage as the return temperature exceeds 55°C. Therefore most households miss out on the benefits that condensing boilers offer.
When the Central Heating Management System is installed, the returning temperature stays below 55°C keeping your condensing boiler in condensing mode at all times.